i have been typing and deleting, typing and deleting.
so hard to find the words to express how i felt on Sept. 5, 2015.
my baby has turned one.
i didn´t expect that we would turn one.
neither did i expect that you would still be there to celebrate this milestone with me.
i am turning 30 and all that i have ever dreamt of has come true.
my own successful store. a second baby boy. a very smart 7 year old kid.
if i would be given a chance to do it all over again, i wouldn´t do anything else!
for those of you thinking about opening your own store, leaving your jobs, starting new, i would just say, please, DO IT.
if it doesn´t work out, at least you´ve tried.

i am thinking of upgrading some of our deco, a comfy chair in the corner and just making the store more cozy.
here are some knick knacks i would like to have.
Thank you Maisons du Monde for the support. Without you, this wouldn´t have been possible.
Thank you Kitchen Aid Germany, for the equipments, for without it, there wouldn´t be Cupcakes in Couture & Cupcakes.
Farrow and Ball for making my store as pretty as it is.
miaVilla for the Couch and Chairs that has made this place a little comfortable for the guys!
Mr. Wonderful for the Tote Bags.
Zoeva for the Goodies.
Arizona for the Iced Tea we all enjoyed!