maisons du monde couture and cupcakes mode junkie maison_cupcake4 image maison_cupcake3 maison_cupcake7

hey guys!
quick hello from my kitchen (so much to bake, only two hands!).
easter is fast approaching and since it´s my second favorite holiday next to christmas,
i thought it would be best for another giveaway!
anyhow, i have gathered my favorite cupcake items from my favorite store, Maisons du Monde to give to one of you! these are the perfect easter gifts too! 

the package consists of:
4. Recipe Notebook (so cuttteee!)

all you have to do is leave a comment here with your name and email address and i will pick one reader on Easter Sunday!



 from left to right, top to bottom:

the weather is slowly getting warmer and i am super excited to bid winter goodbye (though not excited about my hay fever though!)...
i have 10 weeks left to get my sh*t together before the baby comes. we are still not finished with the baby room and i am slowly panicking! Maisons du Monde is in full spring fever (check out this Trend Guide!!) and i decided that the room will definitely have pastel accents here and there!
still have to pick a date for the baby shower. OOPSIE.
how pretty is this Bugaboo Stroller? just not sure if le boyf is up for the print.
my instagram is also ready for spring with lots of fresh flowers, macarons & pastries!
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image anyway, i know everything will fall into place. 
i just have to hire someone to help me do everything. LOL
