i started cooking at 9 am. yes, it was hardwork!
here's izzy pretending to do something. ;)

the corset is a gift from my aunt. it's from river island! thanks aunt. the rest you've seen already!

the balmain pen i've told you about. it's just plain LOVE. i might be writing more because of this. haha! i don't know who gave it to me, but you know who you are, if you're reading this, I LOVE IT!

i wished for just one gift this christmas, and santa (boyf) gave it to me. i love SANTA!
i am eager to learn to sew. so wish me luck!

miguel's bed is his toys' closet now since he sleeps with us in our bed. i don't know what to do with all these! some are still wrapped and sitting under the tree. i have literally no space.

miguel's outfit on his baptism. :)

i wore the pink version of the dress i showed you before since some of you commented the black one was pretty dark for a baptism.

and i can't just get over this photo. it's all sorts of cute.