apple tree garden festival 2013 bershka wefest apple tree garden festival 2013 bershka wefest apple tree garden festival 2013 bershka wefest apple tree garden festival 2013 bershka wefest apple tree garden festival 2013 bershka wefest apple tree garden festival 2013 bershka wefest apple tree garden festival 2013 bershka wefest apple tree garden festival 2013 bershka wefest apple tree garden festival 2013 bershka wefest apple tree garden festival 2013 bershka wefest apple tree garden festival 2013 bershka wefest apple tree garden festival 2013 bershka wefest apple tree garden festival 2013 bershka wefest apple tree garden festival 2013 bershka wefest
IMG_3839 Kopie2 shirt, faux leather vest, shorts, boots, clutch, ear cuff from BERSHKA

hey guys!
here´s my photo diary from the amazing weekend we spent at Diepholz to attend the Apple Tree Garden Festival with Bershka (video coming soon!!).
i couldn´t imagine a better way to spend the weekend than good music, my two boys, a very good team, great clothes and of course beer!
Bershka is doing a feature on the best kept secret festivals around the world, and i have to say the experience was great!
as you can remember i have been festival-ing last summer but to the big/ major ones.
of course the line-up and location was bigger but the Apple Tree Garden was cozier and nice.
everyone was so friendly and was such in a good mood even though it was raining (all the time)!
it was even stopped for some hours because of lightning.
LONG STORY SHORT, i am giving away a 100 euro gift card to spend on Bershka (either to recreate my festival look, or just spend your way!) if you just tell me what´s your favorite festival and why (it´s not a must that you´ve attended such festival) on the comment box with an email address (so i can contact you afterwards).



  1. ganz ganz wunderbare Eindrücke, dein Kleiner ist bezaubernd!
    Ich würde super gerne mal auf Coachella Festival gehen, einfach weil die Menschen dort so inspirierend sind und richtig gute Musik läuft!


  2. Ich finde das "Sonne Mond und Sterne" Festival toll! Großartiges Line-Up, tolle Menschen und super Stimmung!

  3. Der Kommentar oben gehört zu mir - Sonne, Mond und Sterne! :-)

  4. amazing earcuff and wonderful photos! xx

  5. I still think it's so funny that you were there - a majority of my family lives there and I spent every summer at my grans house as a kid and I love the Appletree Garden Festival! It's so cute and small and it just feels as if you are spending time with your family - all the people are so close! Next to the Hurricane it is deffo one of my fav festivals - probably because it's not so well-known yet. The photos with your boy are SO cute <3

  6. and oh, my favourite festival is Coachella I think. I've never been there but it looks amazing : it's in California (where I would love to go), great line-up, stylish people, ...
    Going there is really one of my dreams :) xx

  7. Mein "favourite festival" ist das Tomorrowland. Leider war ich noch nie dort, aber alle Berichte und das After-Video sind einfach Gänsehaut-Feeling pur. Alles knall bunt und eine tolle Stimmung die allein von den Bildern rüber kommt. Außerdem liebe ich Elektro und das ganze kombiniert mit dieser märchenhaften Atmosphäre ist einfach phantastisch :) (

  8. Love your look! Astonishing as always :)
    Wanna float with us?

  9. Ich war schon ewig auf keinem Festival mehr (im Sommer ist meist beruflich zu viel zu tun), aber früher habe ich das FREQUENCY FESTIVAL in Österreich geliebt! Immer ein tolles Line-Up!

    Carola (

    PS: Wien wartet wieder auf dich! ;)

  10. Aww these pictures are amazing! Especially the ones you and your son :)

    Louise xx

  11. Love the ear piece, it is so beautiful! The sleeveless jacket is awesome too!

  12. Exit fest in Novi Sad, Serbia. The music is great and not only. The spirit of the town, the river Danube and the castle,where it takes place in, are amazing. I've been there once and I hope to visit again.
    Alexandra Gocheva

  13. ich würde zu gerne auf auf das splash! festival. einfach weil ich hip hop liebe und da ziemlich viele verschiedene hip hop acts vertreten sind :)
    liebe grüße, katharina (

  14. I have to be honest. I've never been to a festival before, not the big ones. I would say my favorite festival would be a festival with great music and great friends. Which is.. not a particular festival. It could be any festival. I think the most awesome memories you create is those with the ones you truly love. I love love your pictures with your son and your little family. I would create an outfit I would wear to a festival, but more important the feeling behind it. If it's not me, I won't buy it. If I'd have to choose.. I'd obviously have to say Coachella, which may be utterly cliche. But that's what I think. I'm already thinking about what to wear to this festival! Woo. Would be pretty awesome to attend such a festival. Hope you're doing well! It's been a while! XCylia

  15. Hi Anjelica,

    you should check out NACHTDIGITAL ( it was rated as one of the best festivals in the world for years now in a row on all important magazines and blogs. The tickets are sold out in Minutes every year and they keep it small and exclusive. A great place you would love and Bershka too ;)

    My email is - and obviously I will buy your outfit ;)

    Fingers crossed.


  16. Especially love the earcuff!
    My favorite festival that I attend yearly is called 'Graspop', it's a metal festival with a lot of my favorite bands. A festival that I dream to attend is Coachella, must be super special!

  17. Love the outfit!! Especially the boots and the vest!
    My favorite festival is without hesitation "Solidays" in Paris. I attended it for the 1st time this year, but I always liked the idea behind this festival. In fact it is a festival created to support the research against AIDS and the HIV virus. It is called Solidays because it is a 3-days festival of solidarity and the funds go to an association ("Solidarité SIDA" /Solidarity AIDS/) which funds information campaigns and other associations fighting against AIDS.
    As such this festival brings every year a lot of famous artists and therefore very good music, but it also helps alerting the general public to the problem that is AIDS. So by going to this festival I not only had an amazing time but I helped the associations fighting against AIDS!!

  18. amazing photos!

  19. I Am OBSESSED With Your Vest, The Festival Looks Amazing!

  20. looks so fun, love what you're wearing!

    xo Camilla

    Into The Fold

  21. wow just a gorgeous outfit :)

  22. Leider war ich noch nie auf einem Festival, aber ich würde gerne mal zum Hurricane. Ist bestimmt ein unglaubliches Erlebnis
    Meine E-Mail Adresse

    Danke, Lena

  23. Das vierte Bilde <3 <3 <3

    Aber ich würde natürlich auch gern am Gewinnspiel teilnehmen. Es ist zwar nicht ganz einfach, sich bei all den tollen Festivals zu entscheiden, aber ich wähle mal das Afrika Karibik Festival in Aschaffenburg. Tolle Location, immer tolle Bands und der Markt drum herum ist auch klasse!

  24. tolle bilder, ich liebe earcuffs, aber dieser ist etwas zu groß, er könnte etwas feligraner sein. aber trotzdem tolL!

  25. You rock! And the picture with the little one <3

    Mafalda ❤

  26. coahella is my favorite. i know it's super duper mainstream. but i don't care. i wish i could go one day. california LOVE <3


  27. love the ear candy........ your little boy is adorable!.xx

  28. Hey Anjelica,
    eines meiner liebsten Festivals ist das MsDockville. Zum Einen ist Hamburg meiner Meinung nach die schönste Stadt Deutschlands, auf der anderen Seite verbindet das Festival Musik und Kunst, das heißt man kann sich die Zeit zwischen / vor / nach den Auftritten auf den Open - Air - Auststellungen vertreiben oder selbst künstlerisch aktiv werden. Für mich ist das die perfekte Mischung, da letzten Endes Kunst und Musik genauso zusammengehören wie Musik und Mode oder Mode und Kunst. Ich wünsche dir einen tollen (Festival-)Sommer mit deinen Jungs!
    Liebe Grüße
    Lea (

  29. Hey,
    also mein liebstes Festival ist in Weigendorf in Niederbayern. Dort bin ich, als ich noch dort gewohnt habe jedes Jahr mit freunden hin und es war immer total witzing. Ich fands schön, weil man tolle neue Leute kennengelernt hat und auch Leute von früher getroffen hat.
    Liebe Grüße

  30. Hey, I just have to say, that I really love your style!
    My favorite festival is called "Roskilde festival" and its from Denmark. I love this festival because of the great atmosphere, the lovely music and maybe because it's the only festival I have ever been to.

  31. love the ear cuff and that clutch!

  32. Love your style and love your pictures! Great work!!

  33. lovely pictures. my fav festival is Pukkelpop


leave me a comment and i will get back to you as soon as i can! thanks for dropping by. kisses!